I opened the paper yesterday morning to see that the Tour de France has been postponed until August. Just for reference, if you’re unaware, the TdF usually starts right around July 4 and runs for three grueling weeks.
This comes in wake of news that the Boston and London marathons which are usually run in early spring were postponed until the fall.
So when I saw the news at the TdF was postponed, I Tweeted about it and almost immediately I was asked what my thoughts were about the NYC Marathon this fall, like what odds was I giving that it would take place?

Today, I’m at 60/40. If you saw my post yesterday, I did a Q&A with my friend Sabrina from runningbrina.com. She also posted a Q&A with me and one of the questions she asked me was:
Q: How will life look for you post Covid-19?
I honestly don’t know. At this point, I’m still talking things day-to-day. My day job is in communications with a not-for-profit and one of my expertise is crisis communications and crisis management so I’ve been busier than most as of late. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining (too much), I know a lot of folks are out of work and I’m thankful that I still have a job and that it’s pretty secure, but I look forward to things slowing down, moving back into my apartment and seeing and running with friends.
I keep wondering what normal is going to look like in a post-Covid-19 world. Thinking about upcoming races that I’m signed up for – like the 50th Anniversary of the NYC Marathon, will I feel safe lining up at the Verrazano Narrows Bridge with 50,000 of my closest friends in November?
I have no idea.
Honestly, I think August is aggressive for the TdF.
And, as I said above, I’m scared about what that means for my hometown marathon. And Boston. And London.
I guess we’ll see, huh? I hope I’m wrong.
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I think there is a possibility depending on what happens when we are allowed to gather in mass again.
Here’s hoping. But honestly, they’re predicting no large concerts until 2021, so I’m thinking probably not. Hope I’m wrong, and that I wake up with cure or vaccine in production tomorrow.
It will break my heart if I cannot run the 50th Anniversary edition of the New York City Marathon — but I think Kathy is right — if officials are saying no large sports or concert events until 2021, then I am afraid the 2020 NYC Marathon will not happen either Kathy is also right to hope she wakes up tomorrow to see news there is a cure or vaccine.