As the title suggest, my training this marathon season has been in fits and starts.
I’ve been spending more time making videos for my YouTube channel rather than writing here but I had some thoughts on my run this morning that I felt like writing about.
I’m into my seventh week of training for the TCS NYC Marathon. And I feel like my training, at best has been in fits and starts.
Like, I’ll follow the training plan 100% one week – then the next, I’ll take almost the entire week off and not even do a long run.

My recent history with the marathon distance race is spotty at best – missing the NYC Marathon in 2017 and DNF’ing in 2018. And having a rough time getting to the finish line in Chicago last year.
I made a promise to myself that I would cross the finish line in NYC this fall and feel good doing it (meaning I won’t have to drag myself across the finish line). Humidity during training be damned, early morning alarm clocks be damned and travel (of which I have a lot on deck) be damned.
The time for excuses is over.
Time to get serious.
Who’s with me?
My Current Running Gear