Subhead: The G-ds gave and the G-ds take away
This was a great week and a miserable week all at the same time.
I had a short recovery run on Monday since my “long” run was Sunday, so I kicked off the week with that rather than a rest day.
I had my best run in a long time on Wednesday. I felt good, I was happy with my pace, it was really just an outstanding run on all fronts. I’ve been running around the Croton Reservoir which has some really nice rolling hills and is tucked away on some streets that are pretty sleepy. It was the first run in a long time that didn’t feel like I was struggling the entire time, sucking wind and just wanting the run to be over.

Then, on Thursday reality set back in.
What should have been an easy recovery in a state park, around a small lake was miserable. I started out too fast. Problem was I felt good at the start of the run, so I figured I’d hold that pace.
Dumb move.
The sun was out and it was hot and was getting more humid by the moment and I just started getting in my head and wound up walking a bunch.
My Saving Grace
Friday I hopped back in the pool and was super psyched to be there, I did a quick 30 minutes just to stretch my arms and get a feel for the pool. I’ll be back for sure.
On Saturday I jumped in the saddle foR. nice hilly ride. Usually I don’t like to take two days off from running in a row, bmy “long run” was originally scheduled for Saturday but we were planning a family hike and got the okay from my coach to swap Saturday for Sunday. So saddle time it was.
I think I need switch out my casette for one with bigger rings to manage the hills around here. I’m currently running a 10/28 and am considering a 10/32, but I don’t know if my rear derailleur can manage a ring that big AND will need to replace my chain to add more links. If that won’t work, I’ll need to change out the chain rings on the crank. Currently running a 50/37. It would just be easier to change out the casette as I can go back and forth between the cassettes and chains at home. A crank I feel like I’d need the bike shop to work on for me.

The “Long” Run
Sunday I felt strong as I headed out for my nine miles. The plan was to run it in three sections of three mile each, getting progressively faster for each set. My coach, put this note on my workout:
Your mission is to run each one slightly faster than the last, and to do so without killing yourself. As such, I’d recommend starting very conservatively. I’d be much happier if you nail the progression and run slowly than I would be if you start fast and fade, even if the latter results in a faster time .
-Eric’s wise Run Coach
I really did a good job of holding back for the first three and kept my pace super conservative, for the second set, I tried to drop 20 seconds per mile and was doing okay until the 6th. And the last third I felt like I just said fuck it.
I see my running issues on two fronts. First, it was humid as fuck. I mean, literally 90% and 75 degrees. I was praying for rain but the G-ds were not smiling. I did two loops of this rolling course I’ve been using and it was the second loop where I succumbed to my inner negative voice.
See, I stopped for water at the car (still strange for me to be driving to runs) and it was shortly after that that I lost it. I have a hydration vest that I’m gonna pull out and see how that works for me.
I really need to figure out how to get out of my own way.
My Current Running Gear
- Fenix 6X Pro Solar
- AfterShokz Aeropex
- Daily/Long Run: ASICS Gel Nimbus 23
- Speedwork: ASICS Novablast
- Oakley Half Jacket 2.0
- GoPro Max 360