Video: 2014 NYRR Brooklyn Half

in Race Video

If you read my Brooklyn Half strategy last week you know that I was up in the air as to whether I wanted to race or just go out there and have fun. Well, race morning I decided that the only person who was pressuring me to PR this race was me. And I wasn’t…

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Race Review: New Jersey Marathon; The Good, The Bad and It Was Ugly!

in Race Reviews
New Jersey Marathon

It was bound to happen. In fact I’m kinda surprised it took until my 12th full marathon to show its face. But there it was, mile 15 of the New Jersey Marathon. I was confronted with the fact that I has lost respect for the marathon distance and toyed with dropping out of the race. I’m not sure…

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A moment of silence for the Boston Marathon

in Running Life

There’s not much to say on this, the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon tragedy. Please join with runners and Bostonians around the world in a moment of silence at 2:49 PM EDT. It’s raining in New York City today and I have a day packed with business. I’m going to honor the victims…

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My Strategy for the New Jersey Marathon

in Race Prep
Mew Jersey Marathon

This morning I decided not to go for a PR in the New Jersey Marathon. I did not come to this decision lightly but it dawned on me that I have exactly four weeks to finish my training and have only this morning completed an 18-mile run – my longest training run to date for…

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Gear Review: Garmin Forerunner 620

in Gear Review

Let me start this review by letting you know that I’ve been using a GPS unit since I started running seven years ago. I’ve tried almost all of the commercially available models and brands and don’t see a reason to go out for a run, ride or swim with recording it and obsessing over the…

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Race Review: 2014 NYRR NYC Half (Marathon)

in Race Reviews

Where do I begin? The Expo? The weather? The new course? The fact that this is one of my two absolute favorite 13.1 races of the year? Or the fact that I took more than three minutes (3:02 to be exact) off my 13.1 PR? No matter where I start my review the end is…

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