At long last, my race video from the NYRR United NYC Half is posted!!
The NYRR United NYC Half

As usual the race was a FANTASTIC race. If you read this space you’ve heard (or read) me talk about how much I love this race and course, it’s a virtual tour of my running haunts, Central Park, West Side, Downtown and um, Times Square (which is actually where I work so there’s a connection there).
You’ve heard me say it before, they close the Cross Roads of the World two times per year, for New Year’s Eve and for the NYC Half.
The weather in March in NYC can be unpredictable and this year didn’t disappoint. After a super mild winter and warm week leading up the race, temps dropped to the teens with snow predicted for race day. And not just snow, but a blizzard! Long story short, the snow missed NYC and while it was cold at the start and the finish, it was a great day to run in NYC.
My run was not PR-worthy but I was able to run my best 13.1 time in a year and I’m fixing to do some damage at the Brooklyn Half this year.
Filming the Race
As usual, I had my GoPro with me to film. For this race, I used the Hero Session 4 mounted on the head strap facing forward. So while most of what you’ll see is the back of runners, I felt that the scenery was interesting enough to film. The result is a runner’s eye view of the race – what you might see and experience if you ran it.
I wanted to do something new with this video but have had some trouble when it gets posted with pixilation. As best as I can figure, if you click to start the video and then hit pause, let it load and then watch it, it’ll play clearly. I’m pretty sure almost none of you will do that 🙂 so I’ll continue to look for ways to speed up the load time.